Liberty Nugget : A nugget a day keeps the state at bay !

Financial weapons of mass destruction .

During the 2008 financial crisis we were told by the media and financial reporters at the time that CDOs and all the various 3 letter financial acronyms were “financial weapons of mass destruction” it may have been said Warren Buffet. But that is by-the-by the vary same saviour of the banks (namely the Central Banks and Treasury Departments of the West ) from these financial Weapons of mass destruction could well end being the villan in what seems to act II with all money printing happening due to C-19 , all the debt that is being passed on to future generations – who by the way did not have a chance to vote for it or against it, I’m afraid to say the future the children in West will be one of debt and the only possible way out for the Governments to get out this hole (let’s not forget they are in massive amounts of debt too) it to print their way out , which will mean wealth destruction for a generation .

If you are in any dbout this just look at the price of all currency Vs an 1oz of gold (a standard that we can measure against as it is in the most a constant store of value) they are reaching all times high and seem to only be pushing higher , great for gold investors , and those who own debt as it will be inflated away , bad for youngsters who inherit the debt and an economy that is smaller , lessening job opportunities for them so early in their careers .

Gold Vs USD

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