Liberty Nugget : A nugget a day keeps the state at bay !

I know better !

It is possible to have Socialism on a small scale when there maybe something in common that binds us together it maybe that we are part of the same religious organization , we are in the same family or extended community.

Where what we put in the common kitty will be acknowledged and appreciated and those that take will be conscious that they are taking from members of their own community.

In the current situation where the Socialism or the slow ever creeping Socialism of the economy that we have in the West , this idea is being destroyed. We all put into the kitty (not much choice about this) and then we have lots taken out, there is a point where those taking out are getting so much that those working think better of that I leave working and join everyone else not working as they seem to be getting so much for “free”.

Obviously not everyone will make this choice but at the margin there will be those who work is paying me $500 per week but I can benefits and cash payments not upto $700 for not working ??

Once there is no more horses pulling the cart (there all in cart too) who will pull the economy forward ?

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