Liberty Nugget : A nugget a day keeps the state at bay !

Any evidence for this ?

This is an argument that is often levelled at the left.

Socialist: Socialism can work and it will work and we can make things better for all in one go.

Me: Here are all the countries where we have tried and it it has failed.

Socialist: But they were not real Socialism.

I’ll leave that there because often what happens next is a 3 hour debate/argument while both sides continue to get more drunk .

But for me what is more worrying is (sometimes even more than the pretend socialist countries and individuals) , are freemarket and free thinking individuals who are happy to have these chipped away at over time and slow Fabian march of Socialism comes anyway it just takes a longer time , but the ends are exactly the same just less violent.

This is much more subtle and comforting and we think nothing of our freedoms (both at the individual and in the market place) and liberties being chipped away at overtime but it equally something worth worrying about it.

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