Liberty Nugget : A nugget a day keeps the state at bay !

Picking sides (but seeing flaws)

This popped up on my Reddit feed today and makes for a simple but pertinent point.

We have a tendency to put ourselves in a camp/tribe should that camp or tribe then have political success , followers of the tribe feel that they have to parrot all the political talking points of their leaders. Even if they know that deep down it makes no sense.

I have seen this at Political meet ups recently,” if it were the Reds doing this (lockdowns for example) then we (blues)would say that “this is abhorrent and must be over turned”, but if our side is doing then it’s just fine they can take away all of rights and liberties at the drop of a hat and there is no push back as it our side in power.

There is no reason why you can be inside of a political party and be critical of it at the same time. In fact the only ways that parties transform and change if individuals are brave enough to want to change it from the inside.

This also give the opportunity for others to faults in those that we are electing – but it requires that you stand up and point out these flaws.

Those at the grassroots of parties must speak truth to power Vs politicians telling us what to parrot.

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