Liberty Nugget : A nugget a day keeps the state at bay !

Importing American Problems….

A friend shared the following video.

We were having a discussion about race relations, after the walk he shared it with me I sent them the following response which is small blog post worth sharing IMHO.

Interesting lil mini documentary – thanks for sharing. I agree was never official In the UK and thank goodness it was not !

I guess as an English speaking country it is very easy to import American problems and make them “British” problems , when really we have a host of different problems that we should be spending time on , one often under looked minority is working class white boys who fall behind more so than every BAME(a term I hate BTW – in weird way is racist in of itself as it makes race the central thing as opposed to the individual I am more than just a skin colour) category but that never gets a look it as it is not hip/ cool/woke to worry about them as they are perceived as being advantaged even though it is not bourne out in the facts… strange and interesting times we live.

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